
Busted or in trouble with the Police? Do you need help now?

Call the Hobson Chambers Criminal Barristers on (09) 379 7658

The Criminal Lawyers at Hobson Chambers are very experienced and appear in court every day.

We have successfully represented people charged with serious and simple offences. From high profile Murder and Drugs cases to Assault or Drink Drive charges and everything in between.

We understand that it is not just about what happens in court. At Hobson Chambers we understand that going to court can be really tough. We are committed to defending your rights with a passion but also with compassion and an understanding of what you are going through.

At Hobson Chambers the Criminal Lawyer you choose will be the lawyer you get. You will receive skilled, personal attention from the same Criminal Barrister until your case is finished

Experience and reputation count. Let ours save yours.

Speak to an experienced Criminal Lawyer

For urgent assistance and advice please phone (09) 379 7658. Personal attention assured 24 hours a day